Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Uti And Discharge When Pregnant

SEXY Katie Holmes as Jackie O : failed project? ... CHANEL

I'm not very " people" in nature. Except for holidays and make the pancake 3 reading crap like Target or Gala.
No, I generally prefer my stuff from magazines or decorative stuff more interesting. Come on, sometimes she or Grazia, when the cover (as the last of my favorite Portman Obviously !) Makes me crack.

However, this does not prevent me to have some preferences "peoplistiques. Eh bah yes.

I have also amply illustrated this blog to be said ... For a style, looks, charisma, temperament, or simply a "good face". Ca, it is "the" privileged.
Then there is the class below: the protected (e) s.
Genre? Well ... as shown in the top, you'll understand ... kind Katie Holmes .

> One day she makes you a little pity keep eyes closed completely in Victoria Beckham's look as she looked out of children two days before,
> Some days you touched it with his life version of "Grand Bazaar Scientology (which is sometimes half afraid)" with its " Former sex symbol-turned dingo 'husband,
> Sometimes it will seem almost close when she is touching ballad with his bitch-Sury plague in almost ordinary mom,
> And sometimes it inspires you to good people icon with her boyfriend looks, and we love too!

Good. And the actress? Ah yes ...
Would not that ultimately hurt the bottom LA, without even want to be offensive.

aspirational for an entire generation in Dawsons , elected at the same time Teen Choice Award 2005 "for" Pieces of April ", tough to say which film allowed him to inspire us again at this point 15 20 years later.

So? Luck seemed to turn? ...
I went to see the photos and extract ( SEE HERE "The Kennedy's Trailer ") of the mini series in 8 episodes "The Kennedy's"!
> She will JACKIE O t on ad!

And there, on screen, a real surprise: the resemblance is uncanny , the mischievous physical, classy, serious but also light, touching too, Jackie O.
A role tailor? An opportunity for that dear Katie back in the spotlight?

I was glad to see that she returned to TV with a role that may in any case, because of the history and character, go unnoticed.
Especially happy that I'm a fan of Jackie Kennedy / Jackie O.
One woman who certainly influenced by many destinies
: freedom, courage as undaunted at the end, independence disguised mastered intelligence, character and skill, stylistic revolution. I always had a soft spot!

And back on TV: a mistake? Not anymore! We now know that the series are the films themselves, and a screenwriter 'storyline as well worth a good thriller, like directors and actors move back and forth, very comfortable, between these two formats. Brief. But

? But history could stop there ...
lobbies U.S., strong and powerful seem to have won :
la mini série dont un des objectifs était de montrer les Kennedys sous un autre jour ne devrait pas être diffusée.
Pourquoi ? Pas en ligne avec l’histoire, ou plutôt celle qu’on désire protéger. Trop éloignée de celle que l’on a montré pendant toutes ces années. Et que l’Amérique bien pensante veut protéger.

Honnêtement, je ne suis pas certaine qu’on fasse tomber un mythe juste comme ça, juste par une série. OK pour vérifier que toute mémoire n’ést pas inutilement salie. Mais de là à tout annuler ?
Bref, c’est l’Amérique, quoi !

In any case, we will not see probably not Katie flies into glasses at the time, under those small hats signed Jackie, in her little dresses or pastel it was so good at it. No. Too bad ...
Even though disappointed on this one ...

Go Katie! It does not matter. The tide is turning and the chance will come. Courage.
NB / Post End of Day: Following the review of So (see comment), it seems that the series can finally be projected ! A suivre, en direct sur les petits écrans, donc !...


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