Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Where To Buy Burton Socks In Ontario Canada?

127 hours ...


Today I want to talk about something other than beauty ... I often want to talk about something else actually, but I hold back, because I think that if you come here is to talk about beauty.

short Friday night, I went to the cinema to see the movie "127 hours". The new-born Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire). For those who have not heard of this movie, you've already heard the story on the news a few years ago, because it is a true story. A guy (a tared) who loves hiking in the Grand Canyon (also in passing, the scenery is beautiful), is trapped in a crack (very deep) and is therefore 127 hours to wonder if he will die there and make a decision. I am not telling you the purpose of history if it is more fun ...

short, this is the kind of movie I like because it makes me think (and it's not often ;-)
I say "And if it was me? What is what I have done? " In fact, I'm always amazed at what kind of person who loves life to the point of doing crazy stuff to get by. I am a bit defeatist on the edges, I'd be more like that, so find myself stuck somewhere, tell me "how am I going to die quickly and painlessly into that hole?".

I'm sorry for those who do not parler de la mort... Mais moi, je ne sais pas pourquoi, c'est un truc qui ne me fait pas peur. Je ne dis pas que ça me fait ni chaud ni froid, mais je me dis que la mort fait partie de la vie, et je n'y pense jamais en réalité. Je me dis que ça viendra quand ça viendra.

Je ne peux donc que vous conseiller d'aller voir ce film qui m'a vraiment estomaquée, surtout quand on s'est que c'est quelque chose qui s'est vraiment produit... Devant une telle volonté, je ne peux que m'incliner. Surtout que le film est super bien fait... On panique avec lui, on devient fous avec lui (la déshydratation donne des hallucinations, on peut même pas imaginer comment ça doit être horrible), there is despair, laugh (yes, because, oddly, there are quite a few funny scenes).

This guy has demonstrated intelligence, it's crazy ... Everything he did was thoughtful when he was in a horrible situation ...

short, I'm really speechless, and I salute this great man.

PS: If you are a bit of a sensitive soul, I do not know if it's a great idea to go see the movie, wait for it on DVD so ;-)

So I never spoke of other things of beauty ? Or I still like to share my findings from time to time?




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